Tuesday 11 November 2014

Goals for November House- Time- and Health-

The Recession Kitchen isn't just about food. It's about the way we live... the way I live... ...the way I look after my family.

I'm not as good at it as I would like to be. Not to mention other influences like economics and health have their own influence and drama.

To me all is connected. And so from there I must conclude that my health, the way I keep house, cook food, take care and organize my life are all interconnected. Are all influencing, supporting and helping out all the other areas.

And so I'd like to try and set some goals for my house keeping, my health and my cooking as well as share my tried and tested recipes of all the random foods that are grown and/or brought to the house.

House-wise I would like to deep clean and clear every space in and around the house. As the Housekeeper I would like to create a workable schedule that I'm going to implement.

Health-wise... ...I'm having a scare... ...I'm in the system and everybody is doing everything to help me find out what is wrong exactly and find ways to help me get better. For now I am having pain. So Health-wise I want to be strong, become stronger... ...in as fit and healthy condition as I can be. To be just that I need to make some diet and fitness changes. I'm going to try out different diets and work out regimes to lose an initial stone as well as improve my fitness.

Cooking-wise I would like to explore some of the super-foods that help with health, weight, brainpower and rejuvenation.

Oh and all of it for as little as I can. It can cost me experiences, time, energy and willpower.

I better get to it so... ...A lot to do...

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