Tuesday 11 November 2014

Goals for November House- Time- and Health-

The Recession Kitchen isn't just about food. It's about the way we live... the way I live... ...the way I look after my family.

I'm not as good at it as I would like to be. Not to mention other influences like economics and health have their own influence and drama.

To me all is connected. And so from there I must conclude that my health, the way I keep house, cook food, take care and organize my life are all interconnected. Are all influencing, supporting and helping out all the other areas.

And so I'd like to try and set some goals for my house keeping, my health and my cooking as well as share my tried and tested recipes of all the random foods that are grown and/or brought to the house.

House-wise I would like to deep clean and clear every space in and around the house. As the Housekeeper I would like to create a workable schedule that I'm going to implement.

Health-wise... ...I'm having a scare... ...I'm in the system and everybody is doing everything to help me find out what is wrong exactly and find ways to help me get better. For now I am having pain. So Health-wise I want to be strong, become stronger... ...in as fit and healthy condition as I can be. To be just that I need to make some diet and fitness changes. I'm going to try out different diets and work out regimes to lose an initial stone as well as improve my fitness.

Cooking-wise I would like to explore some of the super-foods that help with health, weight, brainpower and rejuvenation.

Oh and all of it for as little as I can. It can cost me experiences, time, energy and willpower.

I better get to it so... ...A lot to do...

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Oh No! And so we come to a new beginning.

whatever possessed me but all of it is deleted... ...a moment of madness... ...

All the thoughts on what a Recession Kitchen is, about how my grandmothers did it. Women who looked after families in times when society didn't look after those who had little. And they did it... ...they made their budgets no matter how little and their ingredients no matter how limited work for them... ...they had to...but maybe it needed a different approach.... ...what's done is done so here we go, again... ...

There was a book I borrowed once written by a mother in the '80's recession. With a budget of next to nothing she fed her family amazing meals. She based all that loving and caring around the baking of her loafs of bread. The recipes were simple but required the magical ingredients time and focus.
Her focus was on keeping her family fit and healthy. The book inspired me to look at cooking and shopping for food differently. Budgets are strange things...and seasons give us different ingredients.

And the further I went the more it became about what was available rather than what I felt like eating. The Recession Kitchen is now exactly that. How tasty can I make whatever it is that we have to cook with? A little like in the Ready Steady Cook programs presented by Ainsley Harriott...a limited bag of goodies, not what I was dreaming of but what is available.

As it happens eating what is available (in season) is way better for you then eating processed foods.

So yes, it is sad that the old posts are gone...have been eaten by the big bad memory eradicator but maybe it is time to give a new start to a much loved, seen in a different light many times, topic. And hopefully I'll find other cooks and books, blogs and sites that deal with cooking with what we have rather then with what we want even though the recession is coming to an end.

Recession cooking not from scarcity but from abundance.

Wish me luck.