Monday 30 March 2015

House: Spare Room

Spare Room

Hurdy-Gurdy in need of repair and memories

We have a spare room.

A room without belonging 
without purpose.

It was different at first.
When we moved here
it was a bedroom.
My bedroom.

North-facing small.

Uncomfortable with too much space
- Im a city girl after all -
I left the big room empty.

Luggage, clothes...

I grew into it.
The room, the house.

The big bedroom
with view
is now boudoir

There is carpet, curtains, space.

And the small room
is now filled with
leftovers from periods gone by
things kept, saved.

Luggage, clothes,
CD's, books, notes, bedding.

It needs a purpose,
something to do
that spare room.

That spare room of mine.

I'm a city girl after all

Saturday 28 March 2015

Body: Feet and the wonders of Olive and Jasmine essential oil


A bowl of warm water, Olive oil, Jasmine oil
and tired well worn feet :)
There is so little that can be said to do them justice.

I'm grateful to have them carry me, balance me, move me.

I like their shape but never really look. And when I do - look - like this morning, I feel bad for them, I owe them a treat.

There's nothing in the bathroom that looks like foot-anything so the kitchen it is.

I find:

Olive oil and a tiny bottle of Jasmine essential oil.

Olive Oil is perfect for feet because it is a nourishes the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti microbial benefits. Meaning that if my feet have any problems like: dry or hardened skin, or open blisters it will soften, feed and heal them.

Jasmine Essential oil I choose because it is a cicatrisant, in other words it makes scars and stretch-marks while also being an anti-sceptic and especially good for dry and flakey skin. Another reason I'm attracted to it is because it also is an emmenagogue which means it can help with period regulation, onset of menopause and painful periods.

I mix a good slosh of Olive oil into water that is not too hot but nice and warm and add some five drops of the Jasmine essential oil. I sit with my feet in the warm water, smelling the Southern hemisphere, warm...

... ... ...

After their Olive and Jasmine essential oil bath, smiling,
smooth and clean 
When the water has cooled I clean my nails and cut them. The warm water has made the nails and cuticles soft and the pores are open.

I don't dry my feet but rather massage the oil into the always hungry feet and lower legs while still damp.

I have to say it was so easy, cost me nothing and felt great!

Thursday 26 March 2015

Family: Kittens! ...Mi-mi-ao Mammy!

Look there are kittens in the box!
...four ball of fluff have to go hunting...

I've been trying to get a good shot of them. It doesn't work. The corner that seemed just perfect - out of reach of Guide Dog Yeltsin, lodged between the piano and the harps - is too dark and just a little tight. So I'm left with nothing else to do but wait until they're big enough to climb out into the light.

For now it is screeches and screams when mammy moves. Tiny wails of despair as four balls of fluff have to go hunting for tit. Sometimes it isn't the mum moving but their brother-of-a-different-generation trying to squeeze in on the warmth. She's his mammy too. And if he could, he definitely would, even though he's too big a boy now which she lets him know all the time.

Three are just like their mammy and one is darker just like the different-generation-brother.

Truly, I never thought I'd enjoy seeing all that new life so much. It never was my thing. Yet here I am, oohing and aahing over the Wild Cat from Blarney Street being such an amazing parent. Patient, protective... ...she's different to how she normally is. She's given in to being a mum. Not because she chose but because nature demands it of her.

She's given in to being a mum
She turns onto her back so the little ones can reach better. She looks at me looking at her. I assure her it's ok. Much more so than it ever was for her mammy. Would she choose all of this if she could?

She squints at me and I tell her about where she's from, the spring she was born under the oil-burner and how she moved here with her brother, so she could have a better life. Because it's important to know where you're from.

She licks a head and a belly, puts a paw over one and her tail over the other. For now, their only response is to drink, wail, sleep and crawl towards the warmth.

I'm looking forward to blue-eyed and climb-out-of-the-box kittens soon.

There's purring going on.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

House: Kitchen, Moving away from the old

I don't like stuff much, and stuff on work surfaces
makes me ugh...

They say the kitchen is the centre of the home.

We lived in a 2 bedroom apartment in the Kinkerbuurt in Amsterdam.

The galley kitchen was separate from the other rooms. With in it just enough space for one person.


There's nothing like doing the dishes to
make me feel good

Now the kitchen is mine.

Things are done a certain way.

When children, gardeners or others use it I can't help but be territorial.

Now, I've decided I'm letting go.

I'll clean up the mess and worry about it no more.

I'm not to do anything after anybody doing something in the kitchen ...

I'm moving my workspace upstairs.

The best feeling: clear and clean worktops

I do dishes, worktops, grill, stove, fridge and floor.

I look at it and feel good.

Wipe down cupboards.

Rinse the espresso pot.

I know how to have it like this always.

And finally a sink unobscured and clean!

I'm loving you kitchen!

I'm loving you like you've never been loved before.

I'm hugging and kissing you and making you feel good.

I'll clean tops of the cupboards, wash out shelves and under the sink.

I'll even clean the lamp and maybe give the extractor a wash and change...

You wait and see. This kitchen will stay pristine!

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Family: Paddy's Day

The spuds are in
the robin taunts me
all morning.
In, out, in, out
here, there, gone.

We go for green 99's
all here to see, smile, celebrate
and wait for the parade.
I'm a Rover
Oh Danny Boy
The Tidy Towns

There's shamrock
stout and bodies.
Green, orange, white and gold
all here to see, smile, celebrate
the leaving of the snakes.

Mountain dew tea
drives out the day
like Patrick himself the snakes.
Another one gone forgot

the robin is here to stay.

Anja Bakker

Thursday 12 March 2015

Body: Spring has sprung and I see and feel my body!

I squint into it walking home.

There is light again.
I squint into it walking home.
Blue skies, birdsong,

In my mind's eye I stretch, bend
make possible
do, create 
enjoy, hold strong, am able.
But in this light I feel all.

I am strong, flexible, able
and there is light again

The neck betrays the crow in me
the woman waiting within
my grandmother's
elongated cheeks.
My shape betraying waning fertility
even if I like the comfort of covering my limbs
it has to be said is obvious.

There is light again.
I see the thinness of my skin
through the dust on the looking glass.

In my minds eye I pass through
deserts and mountainous lands
to fulfill dreams and potential.

through the dust on the looking glass

In my mind's eye...
potential and now, to do, to engage, to see, to not hide.
To deal with, to be kind yet persistent
strong without force.
To overcome every obstacle when possible
All in time.

And for now:

Do, did, done... ...

My neck betrays the crow in me

I am strong, flexible, able
and there is light again

a stretch

a little every day.

Anja Bakker